Rental Amendment 

The short-term rental amendment to the Lake Pointe Estates Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants has been approved with 61 (67%) of the 91 owners signing the petition to amend. This exceeds the 65% requirement required under section 9 of the Restrictions and Covenants. Sixteen owners stated they were not in favor when asked and 14 were not available or did not respond.

The next steps are for the Board to adopt the resolution and then file the amendment with the Milwaukee County Register of Deeds.

The Board thanks the volunteers who worked on the amendment to restrict short-term rentals at Lake Pointe Estates.


The Bylaw They describe how the Association is run, set out voting rights and procedures, and contain rules for such things as how to call a meeting and how often meetings must be held. The bylaws may also describe the Association's rights and responsibilities.


Restrictions and Covenants

The Restrictions and Covenants is an agreement you made with the Association when you purchased your home. In general they outline the rules that members must follow and spell out your rights as an owner .

Rules Summary 

The Rules Summary is intended to be a quick reference guide of the rules as further outlined in the Subdivision Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants (R & Cs) and Bylaws.